MOD for Forbidden Island

Pratit Raiturcar
1 min readJan 18, 2021

This was a group project where we had to make the game Forbidden Island look and feel different by making different challenges and objectives.

For this, my classmate and I made a rogue character to make the game more challenging and we named him Rogue.

This character is an island survivor who knows every little thing and is situated at the watchtower.

We added the trap cards at random places around the ‘island’ and with different scenarios.

There is also an ambush phase where the rogue can attack any player that is there on the same tile and take away either his cards or the treasure that he collected.

The people that can retaliate against the rogue are the engineer, the explorer and the pilot.

For success and fail of ambush, we will use a dice.

Additional Rules

The rogue can take up to 2 actions every time an adventurer plays and has special ability to travel around 3 tiles once per round for 1 action.

The adventurers have up to 3 lives so they can go up against the rogue more than just 2 times.

If we get even numbers on the dice, that means it is a success for the rogue to attack the player and take away his cards or his treasure, vice-versa.

After ambushing the player, the rogue will have to take 2 steps backwards from the player.

